GV BG Smiling Face

Thursday 9 January 2014

A paragraph for Ken Hollings

This is sopposed to be 200 words:

To create a collection of jokes which is accessible to the public and in the process explore how we relate to strangers. I want to explore the idea that a fair social bargain can promote the crowd to interact with the work. 

Turning a ubiquitous, possibly undesirable, experience into a novel and entertaining one by altering what the crowd gains from the interaction, leaning it in it's favour - manipulating a small detail and making a big difference. 

I took to the street with a big sign: 

Picture by: Laurent Moulinat

When I see a person standing in the street, holding a sign I immediately assume he's out to take advantage of me.
So, based on the idea that successful social endeavors mean everyone involved stand something to gain I wondered what would happen if that interaction was altered - I will give that person money if I get something valuable in return! I cannot, however, assume most people have material possession they will be willing to part with, or that they will feel what I am asking for represents a fair deal. I needed to ask for something everyone is likely to have – information: a story, an advice or a joke! The advantage of jokes is that they can be consumed in bulk or individually, they are not preachy or too heavy and they entertain, they are attractive.

I collected and video recorded over 40 jokes (here are some). My challenge is to figure out how to present this collection in a way that retains any lessons and relates to the experience. At present I am considering attaching a projector to a coin slot and have a joke projected each time a penny is inserted. I think a small amount like a penny is an equivalent to the minimal level of involvement that can be expected from a person new to this project.

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