GV BG Smiling Face

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Re-designing my business cards

Since printing it, I decided my previous business card is not very conducive in the task of helping me get noticed positively.

So I am trying my hand in designing new cards and perhaps printing them myself. 

So far I have designed the file to print but I still need to find an appropriate stock to print on.

Monday, 28 January 2013

new business cards!!!

inspired by my recent project with Wei Shen.

infused with true shit stirrer extract

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Café Japan showdown

I made an amorphic sculpture out of an after eight wrapper.

Mark attempted to rival it with his own creation. Try harder next time...

I am done with unit 5 viva pdf

Still nursing worries over forgetting some things or of not including crucial informations.

But I am done! Yay!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Charlotte's Place promotional card

I have been working with Charlotte's Place, an ealing based restaurant (and a very good one at that). Here are studio shots of a promotional card designed for them.


Preparing for assesment

I spent some time today in the studio photographing my 'writing out of depression' booklet.
Here are some of the results:

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Second print of 'writing out of depression'

At Service Point at the late hour of 19:50
I printed 8 revised and improved copies of the booklets to find out the sugar paper I have today is of inferior quality.
As a result the pictures are much harder to make out...

Today's print: This is indeed a depressing outcome.

Previous print

Final crit

It went well for Wei and me.
Our last intervention was not so well received and the one involving twitter was said to be our best one.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

We are through with everyone.

Finally we have completed all 14 interventions. We projected 'google image' search results on a wall at university and let massive letters, spelling out 'everyone' float away in the cannal, uncontrolled by us just like our projects which, although designed by us have all ended up affecting us and others in unexpected ways.

intervention No.14 concluding video
intervention No.13

our 12th intervention was giving out and leaving behind these cards:

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Letting everyone go

We are planning to send off massive letters spelling 'everyone'

Monday, 21 January 2013


We're going to hijack as many screens as we can today they will help expose our 'cause'

Wei and I came up with a plan to display this image on as many computers as we could

The image is designed so that even on smaller screens (such as ipod's and iphone's) the word 'one' and the captions are visible in the portrait position*.

The idea behind it is to increase 'everyone's visibility and thus practice what we preach.

*as demonstrated here

and to our pleasant surprise Covent Garden Apple shop's security guards were not bothered enough to even ask what we were doing.

so there - intervention #11 done.

Preparing arrows to put around town

We (Wei and I) shall be placing these in positions that point to various 'one's as one of today's interventions

Friday, 18 January 2013

Old gold

Everyone deserves to be noticed

After yesterday's crit , me and Wei have devised a cause 'everyone deserves to be noticed' is now a motto that will direct our further interventions.
So far today we are placing masking tape with twitter user names of tweets which used #everyone thus giving them attention and, at the same time we are asking everyone we see to pose with 'one' finger'. We started a new blog: e1dtbn.tumblr.com
to which we upload all these images.
These actions demonstrate the positive approach we take to life (I guess ) but also expose how insignificant one or two persons activities are. Ok, you can never know how you're actions will effect others. But it sure feels silly doing all these things (as much as we enjoy them).

Thursday, 17 January 2013

What Douglas Adams said.

'Don't panic', I keep trying to remind myself as the day nears when I will have to submit all the work I have done since the beginning of the year for assesment.
I have really enjoyed the work so far but the additional work I have been doing at the same time meant that I now have a very limited time to improve those projects prior to the assesment. 
I hope to add to my collection of material written out of depression

Implement the minor improvements to my design of a fashion textbook
As much as it is nice to think that there are 'only' three project to present, with one still happening - there is a lot to do, and I very much do not like having to rush. To add to this after the interim crit for the current project (Roll up, roll up), I have no idea where me and Wei (my partner in this project) are heading with our work. I am however, enjoying this project more than any other before.
Yes actually, what the hell does this one mean indeed?

Tuesday, 15 January 2013