GV BG Smiling Face

Sunday 6 February 2011

Project concept & Research (first draft for college)

It's an exhausting read but hopefully it'll go down well:
My works explores how the media and consumer culture are taking advantage of the basic human natural urges of curiosity and self preservation, in order to promote their own causes. In other words – exploring notions of fear and hysteria within modern day’s society. A society constantly driven into a state of paranoia by the media that overloads us with information about scenarios that are often exaggerated. Today our ‘fight or flight’ mode is constantly in active stand-by. We are continuously dripped-fed reasons to be afraid and are taught to recognise potential hazards from a variety of sources, from being attacked by hoodies to being invaded by aliens.
Contemplating the idea that something needs to address these fears has resulted in a decision to create a “How To” manual that deals with surviving the end of the world.

I intend to produce an A5 booklet (28 pages approximately). This playful manual will present the reader with multiple conflicting approaches. On the one hand it may seem as a guide helping them to better prepare for a time yet to come. But on the other hand the language may suggest that the end is here and there is no more time. The layout and presentation of the book might signify order, authority and control while the content will contradict that.

The intention of my book is to be a self reflexive tool, making the reader think about the nature of these genres of literature. Hopefully it will also prompt people to question and reflect on the authority media has on our lives.

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