GV BG Smiling Face

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Today's set of outcomes

Look at these beautiful results from I got from 2nd year BA Graphic Design Students (CSM):
Vaewwan Tangtrongsakdi
Louis Grosperrin
Damiaan Melis
Michelle Pang

 These are pages of my dissertation designed by the crowd

New template for the dissertation

Im working on another Photoshop template for theose who will help me design my dissertation

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

I am inviting the crowd to design my dissertation (it's about artists and designers who let the crowd generate content for them)

Today was the first time I let a group take part in the design of my work. The idea behind it is that in order to justify having others generate content for me I have to share the results back with them, give them credit and it seems also do a hell of lot of work!

Designed by Sandy - a first year BA student CSM
and if you want to participate please visit bit.ly/CrowdDD